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My name

If you haven't understood what my name is yet, you can run this program:

&S($_);}for($i=0;$i<length($p);$i+=3){$t=substr($p,$i,3)-$d;print chr($t);}
sub S{($q)=@_;$c=0;for($i=2;$i<=length($t);$i++){if(substr($t,$i-1,1)==1)
The program should be self-explaining. You can always try to switch the @l-line with this line:
and see what happens.

For those that's only interested in my firstname you can run this program:

#!/usr/bin/perl ----
$/=';'.''.'' ;open $f,$0;$_=0;while(<$f>){$_=length;&V($_)};
sub V{print chr($_[0]>26?$_[0]-36:$_[0]+92)}

Should also be self-explaining.